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Concerning the Service of the Church - MyEpiscopal
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Concerning the Service of the Church

The Holy Eucharist, the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord’s
Day and other major Feasts, and Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, as
set forth in this Book, are the regular services appointed for public
worship in the Church.

In addition to these services and the other rites contained in this Book,
other forms set forth by authority within this Church may be used. Also,
subject to the direction of the bishop, special devotions taken from this
Book, or from Holy Scripture, may be used when the needs of the
congregation so require.

For special days of fasting or thanksgiving, appointed by civil or Church
authority, and for other special occasions for which no service or prayer
has been provided in this Book, the bishop may set forth such forms as
are fitting to the occasion.

In all services, the entire Christian assembly participates in such a way
that the members of each order within the Church, lay persons, bishops,
priests, and deacons, fulfill the functions proper to their respective
orders, as set forth in the rubrical directions for each service.

The leader of worship in a Christian assembly is normally a bishop or
priest. Deacons by virtue of their order do not exercise a presiding
function; but, like lay persons, may officiate in the Liturgy of the Word,
whether in the form provided in the Daily Office, or (when a bishop or
priest is not present) in the form appointed at the Eucharist. Under
exceptional circumstances, when the services of a priest cannot be
obtained, the bishop may, at discretion, authorize a deacon to preside

Service of the Church    13

at other rites also, subject to the limitations described in the directions
for each service.

In any of the Proper Liturgies for Special Days, and in other services
contained within this Book celebrated in the context of a Rite One service,
the contemporary idiom may be conformed to traditional language.

Hymns referred to in the rubrics of this Book are to be understood as
those authorized by this Church. The words of anthems are to be from
Holy Scripture, or from this Book, or from texts congruent with them.

On occasion, and as appropriate, instrumental music may be substituted
for a hymn or anthem.

Where rubrics indicate that a part of a service is to be “said,” it must be
understood to include “or sung,” and vice versa.

When it is desired to use music composed for them, previously authorized
liturgical texts may be used in place of the corresponding texts in this

Scriptural citations in this Book, except for the Psalms, follow the
numeration of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

14    Service of the Church